Thornbury Family Dental

Invisalign: A Better Looking Smile


This lovely patient of ours came to us not liking the appearance of his smile, with him pointing out that he feels the upper canines look like they stick-out. He was also not happy with how his front teeth did not look evenly shaped, all of the reasons coming together to make him feel self-conscious about his smile.

Having fully assessed his situation, a detailed discussion followed in regards to all of his options (the pro’s and con’s). He had really wanted a long-term solution that will help him be confident with his smile AND have great teeth health for life. However, he could not see himself spending thousands of dollars on Invisalign, and not even be sure of what they’d look like at the end of it – but that’s when we’d brought out our pride and joy digital 3-D scanner – and we’d simulated the finished result before he had even said yes!

We had then completed invisalign to align his top teeth, bottom teeth, for optimal bite, with the appearance of his final smile in mind. Following the plan that we’d come up with together right at the beginning, we’d known accurately what smile he’d wanted, which had meant after Invisalign,  with simple conservative build-up (some call it “bonding”), we were able to achieve the smile he had wanted all along!

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